15 Apr 2010

Photos of the water county

In this text I want to post some photos, which are taken by me when I travelled in the traditional water county with my girl friend this January. It's named Xitang and located in Zhejiang Province, Southeast China. Some weeks ago I posted two cards of this county, which were sent by one of my friends. And I had dreamed for such a long time that I could go there for a visit.

Actually this water town is not far from where I study. It costed only 45 minutes by train. Now just enjoy my photos! Hope you'll like them!

The first one shows a special shop on the main street of the town. Many travellers left their messages or wishes on the papers.

A nice view of the main river with traditional houses on the both banks.

Many ships waiting for visitors.

It's me. Haha~~
One of the main streets in Xitang.

We spent two hours in a Cafe. A cat was sleeping on the hanging chair. Cute!

1 comment:

Iaryylr said...

nice photo , big picture!